

Weaving Stories with Creativity

MJC is formed to create inspiring experiences
that resonates with people,
joining hands with our innovative partners.
We focus on creativity and bonding to generate new value,
aiming to lead Japan and the world
to a brighter future through entertainment.
Bringing enormous passion into our creative endeavors
including planning, producing, and directing,
we will also pursue new forms of expression
to create great pieces of work.

Enhancing Creation and Connection

MJC promotes and deepens connections among people
and their grand creative activities.
We nurture an environment where diverse perspectives
and talents resonate, fostering the development of new ideas.
With cooperation and empathy as our core pillars,
we grow together through the process,
pursuing cultural, artistic, and technological innovation.

Creative Community for the New Era

MJC aims to establish a creative community for the new era.
We provide with a place where diverse talents bundle
and resonate together to bring innovative ideas.
In the process of creation,
we also encourage to deepen their empathy
and cooperation to bring remarkable projects
that will remain in peopleʼs hearts and minds.

To all who came into our lives

We express our heartfelt gratitude to everyone
who has generously supported us.
Your warm support and trust have fueled
our passion for the world of creation.
As we embark on this new chapter,
we sincerely hope to build a future
filled with creativity, together with all of you.

Jun Matsumoto
Chief Entertainment Officer
MJC Inc.